The Sudden Shift to Remote Learning for Adult High School Students

You thought you had this whole adulting thing down. You’ve got the job, the house, and even a family. But there’s still one box left unchecked—finishing high school. Going back to hit the books again as an adult learner seemed daunting even before COVID-19. But the experts at Ancora High School know global pandemic has completely changed the online education game. From virtual classrooms to digital exams, you and your fellow adult learners have had to adapt on the fly. It hasn’t been easy, but you’ve powered through with perseverance and creativity. In many ways, this experience has made you more resilient and self-sufficient. So keep reading to find out how COVID-19 forced major changes to online high school and what the new normal looks like for adult learners like you.

How Online High Schools Adapted Their Teaching Methods

Like many things in 2020, adult education was turned upside down by COVID-19. One day you were sitting in a classroom, learning algebra and practicing for your diploma. The next? Logging into Zoom from your kitchen table.  

For some, the transition to remote learning was seamless. But for many adult learners, it brought unique challenges:

– Unfamiliar technology – Navigating new platforms like Google Classroom was a steep learning curve for students less tech-savvy. Patience and persistence were key.

– Lack of study space – Hard to focus on calculus when toddlers are crying or partners are on work calls nearby. Setting a quiet study time and area is ideal.  

– Increased isolation – Seeing classmates provided motivation and camaraderie. Try using chat features or virtual study groups to stay connected.

– Technical difficulties – Spotty WiFi and outdated devices made accessing materials difficult. Communicate issues quickly and check for available resources.

While remote learning isn’t ideal, it has allowed many adults to continue their education despite the pandemic’s disruptions. With preparation and support, this sudden shift can be managed and overcome. The high school diploma you’ve worked for is absolutely still within reach.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Distance Learning for Adult Learners

When COVID-19 hit, online high schools for adult learners had to quickly adapt. It was a challenging time, but many online schools rose to the occasion and found new ways to support students.

– Synchronous video lectures became more common. Schools set up live video classes so teachers and students could have face-to-face instruction and discussions. This helped combat feelings of isolation.

– Class times were staggered. With more adults learning from home, schools realized accessibility was crucial. Class times were offered at various times of day and evening to accommodate childcare and work schedules. 

– Communication increased. Teachers, counselors, and advisors made themselves more available through phone, email, chat and virtual office hours. Frequent check-ins helped keep students on track.

– Accommodations were made. Students who lacked reliable internet access or devices were provided solutions like WiFi hotspots and laptop loans. Extensions and exceptions handled issues like job loss and illness.

– Wellness resources expanded. Recognizing increased stress, schools pointed students to counseling services, self-care tips, meditation apps, and other mental health supports. 

With compassion and creativity, online high schools found ways to foster community and continue empowering adult learners – even in a pandemic. The lessons learned will continue improving online education long after COVID-19.