Dan Doyle Pleasantville

The travel photography sector has slid into the everyday lives of millions of people through the use of social media platforms. Dan Doyle Pleasantville photographer believes every traveler should be able to take excellent photography on their travels. Whether using a Smartphone or a powerful DSLR camera, Doyle has tips for making the most of your resources to capture the best images. We are all looking to travel more than ever, with Dan Doyle wanting to pass on his photography tips to everybody.

1. Choose the Correct Equipment

When you are thinking about heading out on your travels, you can take several different camera options. If you are looking to capture and upload images for your social media feed, you can travel with a Smartphone as your camera. The improvements made by Smartphone manufacturers have impressed Dan Doyle and make it easy for everybody to capture the best images. The iPhone Photography School explains the Smartphone camera can replicate many of the features found on expensive DSLY cameras.

In contrast, if you are looking to start a career as a travel photography professional, you can invest in a large DSLR camera. Uploading photos from a DSLR will add extra equipment to your bag, including a laptop to edit and upload images from.

2. Use the Rule of Thirds

What do you want to include in your travel images? Dan Doyle Pleasantville photographer uses the rule of thirds to keep his images clean and stylish. Trying to include too much in an image can lead to a busy photo that conveys little to the viewer. An impressive choice is to use the rule of thirds to keep your images from appearing cluttered and disorganized. Dividing your viewfinder up into thirds will help you to position your subject in the correct position. Contrasting the clothing of the subject against a different colored background will add clarity and drama to the image.

3. Think About Light

Dan Doyle reports we spend too much time thinking about the background and subject of an image. Doyle believes we should always look to identify when the best light will be available to make every image impressive. Travel & Leisure reports the bets light is always available at sunrise and sunset. The hour surrounding sunrise and sunset gives impressive lighting to make every image look professional. The light that is available at these times is of the highest quality and reduces the need for editing and filters.

4. Look for Different Angles

Looking through the pages of a travel magazine or scrolling through a website shows you different angles of famous locations. When you get the chance to visit these locations, you may struggle to replicate the images you have seen online. Taking every photo from a standing position gives you the same angle everybody else has already captured. Changing the angle can be as simple as crouching on the ground to change your view of a location.

5. Do your Homework

A common misconception of travel photography is that professionals arrive and find local landmarks off the hoof. In reality, a travel photographer will pour over guidebooks and websites to find local landmarks that will make impressive images. Before you depart on a trip to any region, you should do some research to make sure you do not miss a photo opportunity.

6. Take Advantage of the World Around you

A problem many amateur photographers will find is the dreaded blurring of an image when they move. Dan Doyle Pleasantville photographer explains a tripod is not always needed. Instead, a photographer traveling light can limit camera shake by placing their camera or phone on a trash can or wall to help capture an image. The use of a surface to steady any camera shake will help when a long exposure is required to add creativity to your work.

7. Be Brave

Daniel Doyle explains some of the best images he has captured when traveling were captured by daring to remain on the streets longer than other travelers. Doyle does not believe in taking undue risks, but he explains an adventurous spirit can open up new experiences and photo opportunities.

Overall, Daniel Doyle believes everybody can take high-quality images that will impress their friends and followers. Travel photography is open to anybody who wants to experience a different way of life on the road.